26 Mar Principles and the Future of Food
In 2018, the Southern Africa Food Lab contributed to the development of a Sustainable Food Systems process facilitated by the Global Alliance. From many submitted, five were selected to develop the Principles document I shared with you.
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations.
The Global Alliance believes in the urgency of transforming global food systems, and in the power of working together and with others to effect positive change. Food system reform requires the crafting of new and better solutions at all scales through a systems-level approach and deep collaboration amongst philanthropy, researchers, grassroots movements, the private sector, farmers and food systems workers, Indigenous Peoples, government, and policymakers.
The Global Alliance aims to:
- Forge new insights and strengthen evidence for global systems change,
- Convene key food systems actors, facilitate meaningful dialogue, and strengthen interconnections, and
- Stimulate local and global action and interaction for transformational change to realize healthy, equitable, renewable, resilient, interconnected, and culturally diverse food and agriculture systems shaped by people, communities, and their institutions.
From the many proposals received, the Global Alliance selected five teams to elaborate their vision for global food systems transformation. Once the visions were received, a synthesis of areas of convergence, divergence, and key questions emerging was developed.
The outcome of this process, Principles and the Future of Food can be viewed here.