

A number of learning events will be informed by the emerging findings and research insights from the Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Food Security and the SAFL itself. This is to make the research accessible to policy makers and key stakeholders in civil society and the private sector more broadly.Three key priority themes have emerged from the CoE:

  • Is our food system able to provide access to cheap, nutritious food? This process will focus on the assumptions and realities of ‘cheap food’ policy in South Africa.
  • Is our food system creating sustainable formal and informal livelihoods?This process will consider the issues identified by the CoE and link with a recent research project led by the Africa Centre based in Cape Town.
  • Can our food system support small farmer livelihoods and land reform? This process will engage closely with the work


of the CoE in conjunction with the on-going work of the SAFL under the Supporting Smallholder Agriculture work.


Other learning events will be developed as key debates or issues emerge.  Please contact us if you have ideas about such opportunities.


Photo credits: Gwendolyn Meyer.