14 Sep Langa Learning Journey
The Food Lab, in partnership with the provincial Nourish to Flourish working group, the Centre of Excellence in Food Security, and the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership, facilitated a two-day Learning Journey in Langa, City of Cape Town on the 1st and 2nd of September 2022.
Over 80 people from across the Langa community, and others working to improve local food systems there, gathered for the powerful interactive time exploring the local food system to surface challenges and opportunities to address gaps in food security.
One of the biggest takeaway lessons was that a lack of information is not the problem. Dr Wanga Zembe-Mkabile, a researcher from the South African Medical Research Council shared the findings of her field research in Langa, which confirms that parents have the knowledge and desire to provide nutritious food for their children, but the problem is lack of affordability and access.
The group also heard of the incredible partnership in action shown by the Langa Early Childhood Development (ECD) forum, which is mobilising over 40 registered and unregistered ECDs in the area. These vital centres play many roles in the community, including feeding 1000s of children with healthy snacks and meals twice a day, five days a week, in spite of many challenges.
The Food Learning Journey was designed to deepen participants’ understanding of Cape Town’s food system through the lens of Langa to be able to act differently in shaping this system particularly for the wellbeing of children. This was done through in-depth immersions into different aspects of the food system. These immersions enabled participants to engage the physical space and people’s live experience through observation and conversation.
Read the full learning journey report here.