“Understanding the complex and dynamic interrelationships between water, energy and food will enable cities to manage resources sustainably.” – Sandra Boatemaa, Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (Stellenbosch University). Systems-thinking means shifting narratives to include experiences that are otherwise overlooked. A circular approach accounts for the...

According to Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity (PMBEJD), the problem facing South Africans has been compounded through multiple means. Whilst the price of foods in the supermarket trollies of families living on low incomes continues to increase, with the Household Food Basket having increased by...

Event details Date: 27 May 2020Time: 15:00 to 16:30Venue: Online via Zoom, registration requiredAttend event via webcast The distribution of food parcels quickly led to conflict in several communities across South Africa. How sustainable is the provision of food directly to those who need it, and can it be done fairly? Do food parcels...