ANH Academy keynote speech: Kumi Naidoo

Kumi Naidoo is a South African human rights and climate activist. As a fifteen-year old, he organised school boycotts against the apartheid educational system in South Africa. His work made him a target for the Security Police and he was forced into exile in the United Kingdom until 1990. Kumi returned to South Africa and was asked to lead the process to formally register the African National Congress (ANC) as a political party. Kumi then served as the official spokesperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), the overseer of the country’s first democratic elections in April 1994.

He has served as International Executive Director of Greenpeace International (from 2009 to 2016) and Secretary General of Amnesty International (from 2018 to 2020). Kumi has lectured at Fossil Free University and was a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy until early 2022.

Kumi is currently a Senior Advisor for the Community Arts Network (CAN) and a Special Advisor to the Green Economy Coalition. He is Professor of Practice, Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University and continues to serve as a Global ambassador, Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity. Kumi is a Visiting Fellow, Oxford University and Honorary Fellow, Magdalen College.

Catch Kumi Naidoo live in Malawi and online at ANH2023 on Tuesday 27 June.

Register for ANH2023!

The Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy Week takes place from 19-30 June 2023 in Malawi and online. Visit this page for more information and to register