08 Jul Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Week
Stellenbosch University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine co-hosted the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week South Africa Day. The panel discussion was chaired by Mervyn Abrahams, Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity group.
Dr Chantell Witten highlighted the importance of realising the right to food in the context of evolving food and nutrition needs of children. This needs to be done by addressing the slow violence of malnutrition and building child-centred food systems in South Africa.
Nzama Mbalati showed how we can turn rights into reality with insights on strategic advocacy and social movement building for the right to food and diet-related NCD prevention in SA.
Prof. Anne Marie Thow spoke about strengthening the governance of food systems for health in Africa and provided a political economy analysis of food policy in South Africa.
Yandiswa Mazwana gave community-level insights of creating food and nutrition champions or the youth as connectors and enablers in Masiphumelele, Cape Town.